Release 1.0.1 (12/4/2014)

  1. A bug in an old version of maven-release-plugin caused the snapshot version 0.9.20-SNAPSHOT to be released instead of 1.0.0. The plugin version was updated and a new release, 1.0.1, was released to maven central repository. See the commits on github.

Release 1.0.0 (12/4/2014)

  1. New groupId net.jperf instead of com.github.sovaa. See the commits on github.

Release 0.9.19 (12/1/2014)

  1. Update project to be releasable on sonatype. First version of JPerf to be available on maven central repository. See the commits on github.

Release 0.9.18 (12/1/2014)

  1. Bug fix for $class expanding to getClass.getName() instead of the class instance. See the commits on github.

Release 0.9.17 (12/1/2014)

  1. First release of JPerf, the fork of the original Perf4J. See the commits on github.

Release 0.9.16 (10/16/2011)

  1. See the commits on github.

Release 0.9.15 (10/10/2011)

  1. [PERFFORJ-48] - EJB3 interceptor doesn't deploy under JBoss.

Release 0.9.14 (11/16/2010)

  1. [PERFFORJ-51] - Stopwatches support .slow or .normal suffixes when time threshold is set.

Release 0.9.13 (3/12/10)

  1. [PERFFORJ-42] - Content-Type not specified by servlets.
  1. [PERFFORJ-43] - Allow Perf4J to be used with EJB 3.0 Interceptors.

Release 0.9.12 (8/14/09)

  1. [PERFFORJ-22] - GraphingStatisticsAppender fails to write any output for Spring AOP example in Developer Guide.
  2. [PERFFORJ-23] - Need to trim the TagNamesToExpose in JmxAttributeStatisticsAppender.
  3. [PERFFORJ-27] - Time Grouping Analytical Report Should Include Date as Well.
  4. [PERFFORJ-28] - Nullpointer exception on Servlet access.
  5. [PERFFORJ-29] - NPE on startup using AsyncCoalescingStatisticsAppender.
  6. [PERFFORJ-30] - Add capability to set a time threshold in LoggingStopWatch and Profiled annotation.
  7. [PERFFORJ-31] - JMX MBeanAttributeInfo object type parameter value is incorrect.
  8. [PERFFORJ-32] - GoogleChartGeneratorTest fails unless timezone is GMT-5.
  9. [PERFFORJ-36] - Trim should be applied to all comma delimited Appender values.

Release 0.9.11 (5/17/09)

  1. [PERFFORJ-21] - AsyncCoalescingStatisticsAppender doesn't log all events on shutdown.

Release 0.9.10 (4/29/09)

  1. [PERFFORJ-25] - Compilation using the AspectJ ajc compiler causes AbstractMethodErrors to be thrown at runtime.

Release 0.9.9 (2/1/09)

  1. [PERFFORJ-12] - Provide CSV output for logged GroupedTimingStatistics.
  2. [PERFFORJ-20] - Allow the set of tags whose statistics are exposed as JMX attributes to be changed at runtime.

Release (1/26/09)

  1. [PERFFORJ-19] - Graph produced by chart servlet is not correct in German locale.

Release 0.9.8 (1/25/09)

  1. [PERFFORJ-17] - AsyncCoalescingStatisticsAppender can cause application to slow down if queue cannot be drained fast enough.
  2. [PERFFORJ-18] - Clarify documentation to state that using Spring AOP means that methods called by Spring beans themselves won't be timed

Release 0.9.7 (1/10/09)

  1. Added TimedRunnable and TimedCallable utility classes.
  2. Added lap methods to StopWatch.
  3. Added LoggingStopWatch class and subclasses to simplify logging.
  4. Added support for SLF4J and Apache Commons Logging.

Release 0.9.6 (1/4/09)

  1. Allow JMX notifications to be sent when statistics attribute values exceed thresholds.
  2. Allow users to specify a logging level on the Profiled annotation.

Release 0.9.5 (1/2/09)

  1. Added maven dependencies example to downloads page.
  2. Fixed bug where if timespans are very large, AsyncCoalescingStatisticsAppender can have large memory growth.
  3. Added Spring AOP section in developer guide.
  4. Changed build to create log4j-only and java.util.logging-only jars in the build for use with AspectJ compiler.

Release 0.9.4 (12/31/08)

  1. Added performance graphs and graphing servlet.
  2. Added developer guide.
  3. Fixed a bug with the Profiled annotation where Jexl expressions would not be processed in the message field unless the tag also had an expresison. Now, Perf4J supports expressions in the message AND/OR the tag.

Release 0.9.3 (12/04/08)

  1. Fixed the AbstractTimingAspect's pointcut definition on doPerfLogging() to be more specific, preventing duplicate log statements in some cases.
  2. Changed AOP tests to use AspectJ directly instead of Spring AOP since this is the recommended integration.

Release 0.9.2 (10/20/08)

  1. Made the LogParser log Exceptions and return System.exit.

Release 0.9.1 (10/20/08)

  1. Decided it made more sense to make el() true by default.
  2. Added aspect support for timing.
  3. Refactored StatsValueRetriever in anticipation of Chart implementation.
  4. Added JMX support to Perf4J, replaced cobertura with emma.
  5. Changed how the async appender works to use the StopWatchLogIterator and GroupingStatisticsIterator allowing reuse of these iterators in lots of places.

Release 0.9 (10/20/08)

  1. Initial release of perf4J